We are slowly but surely recovering from Christmas over here!
Last Thursday, Ella went to Nutcracker camp at the Y (which sounded like the cutest thing ever, based on what she's told me!), so Lucas and I ran a few errands. Can I just tell you how easy everything is with just one child?! I used to think people were crazy when they said that...no, it is FOR REAL a million times easier to get everything done with just 1 kid! Anyway, here he is at Party City picking out plastic plates for Christmas dinner, so his mom doesn't have another panic attack about dirty dishes. #OCD
Last Friday we went to Gingerbread Lane at the Ballantyne Resort. We've never gone this close to Christmas and whoa, was it crowded! Note to self: go earlier in December next year!
You can see how many people were packed in this little hallway in the picture above. Good thing Lulu and his friend Cooper were not phased.
Ella wanted to touch every. single. gingerbread house. Here she is, probably telling Mackenzie not to touch it, while she is about to touch it herself!
My favorite gingerbread house was a Starbucks one...Gingerbucks! So cute and creative!
After telling these girls "Don't touch!!!" about 800 times, we went to Panera for lunch with my parents. Lucas decided he would rather eat hands.
Christmas Eve was quite a doozy. Ella woke up screaming that her ear hurt, and then threw up all over her room a few hours later. So she spent most of the day either in the bathtub or in her pajamas. I did manage to get everyone dressed before we went to church. Ella was still feeling kind of yucky so she stayed home with Trav.
Lucas loved snuggling with my dad during the service!
After church, we did our Christmas Eve presents (jammies and books).
Lucas was really just interested in eating the wrapping paper.
We also left out cookies for Santa!
I've already written about our Christmas, which you can find here. Christmas was also the last day of #lucasandellas12daysofchristmas on Instagram! Here is what you missed if you're not on IG!
Taking a picture of 2 kids every day for 12 days is no joke. I am worn out.
Monday, we played with our new toys...
...and finally got around to making our foam gingerbread house (in Frozen pjs, no less)! We were going to do this Christmas Eve, but Ella was sick.
Also on Monday, I ruined Lulu's Christmas shirt. 😩😡😢 The red dye bled all over his cream colored polo! I have tried everything to fix it...color catcher sheets, soaking in vinegar, soaking in Oxyclean, soaking in dishwasher soap...nothing seems to be working. If you have any tips I haven't tried, please send them my way!
Tuesday, Ella had a hot date at the park with her boyfriend Rhys!
Lucas also got his play time in with Rhys' little brother Harry when they came over later that night!
Yesterday, whatever Ella was sick with decided to return. Poor girl fell asleep in the car, which never happens.
After a few doses of amoxicillin and watching Frozen (again) twice, she seems to be doing much better today!
While Ella watched Frozen, over and over and over, Lucas helped me take down Christmas decorations! Let me tell you how much I am loving this little table he got for Christmas. It keeps him SO entertained!!!
Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!! See you all in 2017! :)
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