Ok, ok. I know I said I wan't going to do any more weekly updates. However, I haven't had very much school recently, so that gave me a lot more time with my favorite toddler! (We had a workday Friday the 13th, Presidents Day holiday last Monday, snow days Tuesday and Wednesday, and then 2 hour delays Thursday and Friday! I've taught 10 hours in the last 10 days, ha!)
So anyway...let's back up to last Friday (the day before Valentines Day). Since we had an optional work day, I opted out of that and took Ella to on a Valentines play date instead! Everyone was wearing their pink and red and looked so cute!!
Unfortunately, Ella missed the memo that Valentine's Day is supposed to be all about giving hugs and being nice to your friends. She thought it meant pull hair and bother anyone who was driving the cozy coupe! Here she is pushing poor Emmy out of the way...
Yikes, Ella! We need to work on the whole "gentle" thing!!
As if that weren't enough excitement for one day, then we went and opened Ella's very own bank account! She got so much money for her birthday, I was scared to put it in my account and "accidentally" spend it. So now it is safe in her own account!
Also: deposit slips are apparently delicious.
The next day was Valentine's Day!
Of course we had to do a little photo shoot.
Travis also got me these beautiful roses :)
Ella spread the love by helping Daddy with his beer...
...to distract him while she was hijacking the remote!
She turned on picture in picture, and had on some crazy channels. She is nuts!
On Sunday, our friends Abbey and Brandon stopped by. Ella was especially interested in Brandon's keys.
Monday, we prepared for the gigantic snow/ice storm, by wearing our snowman bubble of course!
We also had to take my car in to get inspected. Luckily, we made it home before the roads got really bad!
Tuesday morning, we woke up to this:
I know it seems like a joke to my northern friends, but the roads really were a complete sheet of ice. Travis couldn't even go in to work!
Ella was NOT a fan of the snow/ice! Just like
last year. At least she looks cute in my old snowsuit, right?!
On Wednesday, we had another snow day, but teachers had to go in for a workday. When I got home from school, I got Ella ready for the UNC vs Duke game (even though it started wayyyy past her bedtime)! She enjoyed shoving tons of Puffs in her mouth and looking out for any Duke fans.
On Thursday, we had a 2 hour delay because it was so cold. After school, I had to go to the library to get some books for my class. It might not have been story time, but Ella still had a good time! Her favorite part? Pulling books off the shelves.
Friday, we had another two hour delay. At this point, I was wondering why we even bothered going to school at all this week. After school, we played with bubbles and had a dance party!
Saturday, we went out to dinner with our friends! We went to
Stone Mountain Grill in Ballantyne. None of us had been there before, but we had a coupon so we decided to try it out. Everything was delicious and really reasonably priced!
We sat on the heated patio, where they had a big fire blazing in the fireplace, so Ella snuggled (or not) with her boyfriend after dinner.
Today we just hung around the house. I ran a few errands and came home to find this:
How sweet, Ella and her daddy watching tv together! Until I looked at what they were watching...Nascar! UGH!!! What the heck. Apparently Ella was mesmerized by the cars zooming around.
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and I don't think we are going to have any snow days this week...or 2 hour delays at that (its supposed to be relatively warm)! So this upcoming week will be the first full 5 day week I've worked since 2013!!!! I am not excited about it. At all. Add to the mix that I'm getting observed, and my kids haven't had a full day of school since February 12...it's going to be a funnnn week!
Wine on Friday, anyone?! Or probably tomorrow night, and every night...who am I kidding! ;)