Apparently I tried to dress my child up like a Target employee today.
{Truth: we are in "Christmas clothes only" mode now between Thanksgiving and Christmas...and he's gotten poop all over pretty much 95% of his Christmas clothes already; today is laundry day}
Anyways...after our fun little Thanksgiving, my mom and I were back to shopping on Black Friday!
We found some good deals (like this Lilly popover I'm supposed to "forget about till Christmas" for 20% off and this shirt for a whopping $14!) and the mall wasn't even too crowded!
After we got home, my parents took Ella and Lucas up to the park for Lucas's first real wagon ride!
He loved swinging in the swing!!
Saturday morning, I ordered both ours and my parents' Christmas cards (my mom is not capable, haha, and makes me pick some out for her every year!), while Ella and Lucas were entertained by my parents.
After my parents went home to Virginia, I attempted to finish putting up Christmas decorations (it took me like 3 days!).
Each kid gets a tree in their room, but Lucas decided knocking his over was more fun that just looking at it...
Ei yi yi...this boy!
Sunday morning we made our annual trip to the mountains to pick out our Christmas tree!
Our tree! (It still looks like this, just in a stand in our living room! Ha! Maybe I'll get around to decorating it before Christmas Eve...?!)
At Target on Monday (and Sunday, too), everything was 15% off!!!! WHATTT?!?! Even Starbucks!! So we stocked up on everything...including some baby food pouches since Lucas will be eating those soon!
Tuesday, Lulu came with me to buy some stamps and charmed the heck out of everyone in the post office. Also, the stamps are delicious, apparently.
Yesterday, we had story time at our church, and Lucas was really into this toy! I've added it to his wish list, grandparents! ;)
We also finally got his stocking monogrammed!
Last night was Ella's last dance class. Recital is on Saturday; I am so excited!
After dance, she got a special treat for good behavior at preschool. She chose an Oreo McFlurry.
And I know, she's eating it with clothes on and not even a bib! I'm slacking over here. But I will say, this is a 9 month dress that's fit her for 3 years now, so I guess if it gets stained at this point, it will be ok.
Anyway, she got to eat her treat while watching Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer! We had to let Lulu watch it too, with his Rudolph toy!
And that's all for this week!
Happy December!!
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