I'm here! I'm a day late in posting this because I was fighting off some nasty 24 hour stomach bug (which, I thought was food poisoning, so my apologies if you saw me yesterday...I really hope I didn't get anyone sick!). Thankfully, it only lasted one day and I am back to normal today!
Backing up to last week....it had been a few months since Lucas had gotten blood work done, so his ped recommended I take him in, just to be sure he was still doing good. He did SO great (I mean, look at him, it didn't even phase him!) and his hemoglobin is now 11.9!!! That's the highest it's been in his whole life!!!
He decided to celebrate that night by finally rolling from his back to belly!
Saturday morning, I took Ella to see the Nutcracker! Every year growing up, my parents always took me, so I was really excited to start this tradition with Ella! We went to the Harris YMCA production, which is where she took her dance classes this fall. I liked it a lot because it was slightly abridged and very family friendly (a little more low-key than the production uptown, although I wouldn't mind taking her to see that one in a few years!).
Anyway, I paid an extra $5 for our tickets so we could do the "meet and greet" before the show, and it was the best decision I've ever made. As soon as we walked in, Ella's dance teacher, Ms. Margaret (who just happens to be the performing arts director at the Y and in charge of this whole Nutcracker performance) saw her, and whisked her away on to the stage while I saved our seats. When I caught up with Ella and Ms. Margaret, she was just hanging out with the Snow Queen, Flower Queen and the Sugar Plum Fairy (who she calls the "Sugar Flum Pairy")! The 3 biggest stars of the show...No big deal!
She also got to ride in the sleigh...
...and hang out with her teacher's assistant, Miss Lily!
(PS-Ella was TERRIFIED of that nutcracker in the background!)
She loved meeting all of the ballerinas and having them sign her program. She was glued to her chair and totally mesmerized for the entire 90 minute performance! I can't wait to take her again next year!
Our fun Saturday didn't end there...that afternoon we had Winn's first birthday party!
It was a cute gingerbread theme and the kids all got to wear their pajamas!
Since our kids were already in their pajamas, we decided to go look at Christmas lights after the party! I turned Ella's car seat around just for the occasion, and she thinks her "new seat" is the best thing ever!
Local friends, the best houses we saw were: (top left) Cameron Wood, (top right) Sherwood Forest, (bottom left) Long Cove in Ballantyne, and (bottom right) Kingsmead in Waxhaw. Just message me if you want exact addresses! :)
Sunday morning, this guy drank water out of a sippy cup for the first time!
We probably need to get him some that are "boy colors"...
These 2 also dressed in some very special outfits! Ella's dress used to be mine, and Lucas's outfit used to be Trav's! How convenient that they are matching! Good planning on my mom and Trav's mom's part!
Here is me in Ella's outfit! I was on the news for talking to Santa!
Sunday night was our neighborhood hay ride! It was so cold and a little rainy, but Ella had a great time, even though she looks miserable in this pic.
She loved singing "Jingle Bells" with Santa and seeing the horses (even though they were poopy...that's what she's been telling everyone 😂)
Monday night was our annual Christmas gift exchange with my Bunco friends!
I walked away with a super cute necklace!
Tuesday morning, I finally felt a little tooth poking through in Lucas's mouth!
Can you see it?!
This explains why he has been putting EVERYTHING in his mouth lately:
Wednesday night, I had another party...Kathryn's favorite things party! This is how it works: you bring 5 of a $5 present (I brought $5 Target gift cards). Each girl takes a turn being Oprah and presents her favorite thing to the group. Then you pull 5 names from a jar and those 5 girls get your favorite thing! It was SO fun! I ended up with lip gloss, wine and cheese, nail polish, a mini bottle of prosecco and orange juice and some cute wine stoppers. You can also check out April's {much better} re-cap of the party here!
A fun and busy week...and we have even more stuff planned this upcoming week!!!
Happy Friday!! :)
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