We started our weekend off on Friday with a trip to Blacklion to see Santa!!
April was sweet enough to organize a little get together, and I was ridiculously optimistic that Ella would love Santa this year.
Unfortunately, this was Ella's face when Santa walked in the room:
Not. a. fan.
The stank face continued while we waited for Ella to go see Santa...
This is how she felt about the reindeer...
...and the gingerbread man (although, I have to admit, I found him a little scary myself).
Eventually, she started to get it together, although she was not into my taking pictures whatsoever.
Hmmm...let's see, do I feel like cooperating or not?!
These presents are for me, right?!
Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for...
Yep. She 110% freaked out. Even after Santa sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Start" to try and get her to chill. The people at Blacklion were super sweet and let me step in the picture with her to see if that calmed her down at all.
Mmmmm nope. But look at Santa reassuring me that its ok, and to not be sorry! I swear to you, this guy is the REAL Santa!!
Oh, and this might be my personal favorite.
Whose child is that throwing a temper tantrum on the floor?!? #notmine
I eventually put Ella out of her misery by giving her a cookie (ok, more like 6) and letting her watch the bears! I thought they might freak her out, but she loved them!
Blacklion really has the cutest set up for their Santa (who is real, did I mention?!). If you are in Charlotte, I highly recommend taking your kids to see him...he is there every Saturday till Christmas from 1-4 PM. Oh and it is FREE!!
We continued on our "let's ignore all of the boxes in our house by doing fun things" weekend by going Saturday morning to get our Christmas tree!
We usually go to the mountains, but with the move and everything else we have going on, we just didn't have time this year. Sad day. So instead, we went to a tree lot just a few minutes away from our house. If you don't look too closely, it looks {almost} like we are just in the mountains! Ha!
We actually love the tree we got and it was a lot easier than taking a 2 hour road trip to go get it! We'll see how next year goes with 2 kids...we may revisit that tree lot if necessary!
Saturday night, we went to the ACC Championship!
Correct me if I am wrong, but UNC has never played in this game before, so it was a really big deal to all of the Carolina fans. I knew we were going to lose to #1 ranked Clemson, but it was still a good time!
Even the Duke Energy building was lit up with each team's colors!
The line to get in was absolutely insane. A lot of people missed kickoff. I'm all for safety first though!
By the end of the game, it was so freaking cold!!! And late!! I didn't go to bed till 1:30 AM!! I haven't seen that hour since Ella was a teeny tiny baby...and I hope not to see it again until June! I am old, people.
Sunday, we finally had to address the unpacking situation. We made several trips back and forth between the old and new houses (yes, we still have crap at the old house...will it ever end?!) and got through some boxes. My child, meanwhile, finally discovered how to take selfies.
And now I have 20 pictures on my cameral roll of this.
Hope you had a great weekend!
I love all of the pictures of Ella at Blacklion! Her reactions to everything were too cute :) But for real, that line to get inside the stadium?! We missed nearly the whole 1st quarter despite getting in line at 7:15.