For Memorial Day weekend this year, we decided yet again to head down to our favorite beach, Hilton Head!
For the second year in a row, we stayed in the Palmetto Dunes area. Trav and I agreed this is basically the best place to stay on the island! It is private, so the beaches aren't crazy crowded, plus it is close to the best restaurants on the island.
Bennett made himself right at home as soon as we got to our condo and started trying to crawl everywhere!
For our first dinner, we ate at Low County Backyard, one of our faves! There is always a long wait, but it actually went by relatively quickly this time (it was 75 minutes, but for most of that we sat in the car and let the kids watch Peppa Pig)!
The next morning, we headed to the beach!
It was a super quick walk from our place this year, so we quickly decided we were probably going to do beach days every day of our trip! (We usually just do 1 beach day because it's all we can handle, lol!)
Lucas immediately plopped down in the sand with his dump truck and never bothered to do anything else the entire time!
Bennett took his first dip in the Atlantic Ocean and while he was not sure about it, he did LOVE the sand!
This was legit as close as Lucas would come to the water...
Ella was such a little fish and swam, swam, swam the whole time!
We had to pull her out of the water for lunch!
This was how sandy Lucas got by the end of the day.
You'd think the sand on his eyelashes would bother him, but NOPE! What did bother him?! When we made him go in the water to rinse off a little bit! He screamed bloody murder!
That night, we ate at Poseidon for dinner!
Bennett was a big fan of the oyster crackers!
And both big kids got cool light up cups!
After dinner we played at the nearby park...
...took a decent family picture (!!!)...
...and got ice cream!
Poor Bennett had some ice cream FOMO!
The next day, it was off to the beach again!
Can I just say, I am SO glad Lilly Pulitzer is making ladies' swimsuits again! And mother/daughter matching swimsuits were everything I hoped they would be and more! :)
Guess what Lucas spent his day doing 😂
Ella and Bennett also had repeats of the previous day:
Ella couldn't stay out of the water...
...and Bennett ingested his weight in sand. Diapers were fun on this trip ;)
This day, he also loved swimming in the ocean with Daddy!
For dinner, we ate at Old Oyster Factory. Lucas loved the big truck out front!
Everyone loved the hush puppies!
After dinner, when we were walking back to our car, we found tons and tons of crabs in the little stream by the parking lot! Trav was super brave and "caught" one on a stick to show the kids!
The next morning, we took a small break from the beach and walked around Harbour Town!
Lucas loved all of the boats!
We also stopped at the Harbour Town playground!
It was SO hot! Look at Lucas's cheeks above. Poor Bennett fell asleep.
Then, we ended up back at the beach!
Just look at Lucas. Bless.
Believe me when I tell you, again, that sand in his eyes did not bother him one bit. He is crazy!
I'm pretty sure Bennett have been ok if we decided to move to Hilton Head and go to beach every day. At this point, his diet was quickly becoming 85% sand. He was very happy about that!
The people next to us on the beach had some older boys who were so sweet to Lucas. They let him bury them in the sand, and then showed him how when the sand is wet, it's easier to pack. We all tried to get Lucas to go down to the ocean to fill up his truck with water...but he refused and made these boys do it! And then, as soon as they would get back, Lucas would dump the water out and say "Go get more!" So bossy! These boys were so sweet to put up with him, and their parents thought it was absolutely hilarious that a sandy 3 year old who was terrified of going on the ocean was bossing around their kids!
We ended our day by (finally) visiting the neighborhood pool!
And the fun with the dump truck continued...
For real, Trav's mom wins Best Birthday Gift EVER with that thing! Lucas played with it the. entire. trip. No exaggeration!
For our last dinner, we ate right on the beach at The Dunes House! I wish we had discovered this place earlier! It was super chill (we ate wearing our wet swimsuits and towels!), right on the beach and the food and drinks were delicious! We will be back for sure.
On Monday, it was time to head home!
Not pictured: the 1200 pounds of sand that was in car seats, the stroller, all bags, shoot probably still in Lucas's hair.....I was vacuuming for hours when we got home!
Thanks for another fun time, Hilton Head!
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