
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Life with Lucas {week 16}

It's been another busy week for the Ferg family! 

Sorry I have only been doing these weekly posts, and nothing else lately! We have LOTS going on (and no, I'm not pregnant!) so it's been a struggle to even get these weekly updates posted! Hoping that will change soon! Hang in there with me! 

Thursday, we all said goodbye to our hideously ugly 1980s master bathroom! 

They started demo last week and have been laying tile and getting some other things squared away in there this week. I'll do one big bathroom post when everything is all done! I can't wait! 

Also on Thursday, we went to Ella's preschool to meet her teachers!

They were so sweet and I just know she is going to have a great year with them! 

Friday, we had to take Ella's preschool bag to get monogramed. Yes, I could have just written her name with a sharpie...but do you know me at all?! Ha! Her teachers also suggested putting something on her bag so she could easily identify it...I gave her the kiosk's catalogue of appliqués and she picked out a dalmatian...she wanted freaking Marshall on her bag! Paw Patrol obsessed! I tried to get her to do something else, but she was adamant about getting Marshall on her bag, so I let her win this one. 

Saturday, we went to Lucas's first parade! 

Ella loved all of the free candy, fire trucks, trolleys, and "princesses" (aka the beauty pageant girls)...and we even saw a stuffed animal dalmatian that she thought was Marshall. 

That afternoon, we had some friends over to watch the UNC game!

The kids had a little picnic at Ella's new picnic table!

Sunday, we made our annual apple picking trip to Sky Top. I'll do another post on that because I have lots of pictures! :)

Monday was Labor Day and we didn't do a whole lot. Ella did get a special treat at Target because she went #2 in the potty (it had been like a month). 

She had originally wanted more bubbles for her little bubble machine, but that all changed when she saw this jumbo sticker pad in the $1 spot. Umm, WHO INVENTED STICKERS?! Seriously. They are ALL over my family room now. Ugh.

Tuesday was Ella's first day of preschool!!! And we can't leave out Lucas, so he also had a school outfit and a little photo shoot even though he's just staying home with Mommy this year :)

We attempted to go to baby story time at 10:15...but it was full when we got there at 10:08. 

Tuesday, I also started back working at the Y! I am just working twice a week for 2 hours each day, so nothing major. But, every Tuesday I get to be in the baby room with Lucas! 

I think he really liked it! He just watched the older babies in awe!

Yesterday we discovered a new gymnastics place! Charlotte friends, it's called ISC and they have open play for toddlers every weekday from 10:30 till noon! 

Ella had a blast and Lucas slept. Typical. 

Tonight is Lucas's first regular season Panthers game!!! I'm hoping he will bring the team lots of good luck this year!!!!
Also, if anyone sees a shirt like this for babies, let me know!!! Lucas needs it! :)

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