
Friday, January 18, 2019

Life with Bennett {week 21}

Happy Friday friends! We've had another low-key week full of organizing, purging, cleaning and de-cluttering! Sounds about right for January!


We met up with some of Ella's friends from her preschool class at a new-to-us "jumpy place."

Ella had a complete MELTDOWN when she missed the majority of the kids taking a picture together, so we tried to salvage the situation with a quick pic of her and her bestie Alevia!

We also celebrated 20 weeks in/20 weeks out for this little nugget! 

For the record, I am SO much happier he is out!


Ella had a birthday party for her sweet little boyfriend, Cole! Travis was out of town, so thankfully Cole's mom said it was ok if I brought Lucas and Bennett! Lucas had absolutely NO problem crashing this birthday party, ha! 

Ella and the birthday boy!

Such sweet preschool friends! I am so thankful that the majority of them will be going to the same school as Ella for kindergarten next year!

Also, in my insanity of being a single parent last weekend, I decided to give Bennett a bath at the same time as the big kids. They were SO excited to have him in their bathtub! 

It actually worked out pretty well! We've been doing baths like this ever since, because I like all 3 kids getting clean at the same time!!! 


I continued to clean out Ella, Lucas AND Bennett's closets. I'm trying to decide if these size 4 Lilly dresses will be too short for her this summer?! Let me know your thoughts!

This sweet boy helped me do about 16 loads of laundry!

Oh, and he ALLLLLMOST sat up unassisted! He kept falling over before I could get a good picture! This was the least blurry one!


After we dropped Ella off at preschool, the boys and I headed to work our weekly morning shift at the Y. As soon as I pulled Bennett out of his car seat, I noticed he had completely blown out his outfit. And I didn't have an extra outfit on me. Such a rookie mistake. Don't I have 3 kids?! How have I not learned to carry around an extra outfit by now?!  Anyway, the Y has some extra clothes in the infant room that they keep on hand for situations like Bennett got to hang out for the rest of the morning in these random too-big pajamas! #YOLO.

He definitely needed a bath this day!!!

All clean! He's lucky he's so cute!


We had a rare morning where we had no where to be, so we took full advantage of that! We hung out around the house and played with Instagram filters, haha!

That evening, I decided to make dinner...ya know, for the like ONE time a week I actually make dinner. I had the cutest little assistant!

And a pretty fab sous chef!!

And wouldn't you know the middle of making this soup, our power went out. I mean, seriously?! 
And to make matters worse, once the power went back on, our burner (which was on when the power went off, because you know....I was actually COOKING!) got all messed up. When it's turned off, the burner actually comes on, and when it's supposed to be ON, it doesn't work. GAHH! It's getting fixed next Tuesday!


We hadn't been to the library in a while, so the boys and I went to check out some new books!

It was also another week of dance for this gal!

Oh and guess who had another accident and I had NO CHANGE OF CLOTHES FOR HIM. Will I ever learn?!?!?

In my defense, the "blow out" happened the last 5 minutes of Ella's class and it really wasn't too bad. So it was fine to deal with once we got home 15 minutes later. And he was clearly unfazed by it!

My kids also were in no hurry to get home and made me take their picture by THE wall again.


I'm happy to report that on this day, I actually DID bring extra clothes for Bennett with us, and he did not need them. Of course. 

Anyway! Our Thursday adventure consisted of going to my friend Ashley's for Bible Study! These sweet boys got to hang out on the floor with all of the moms...

...while these two troublemakers played upstairs with the other kids! (There is a babysitter up there with them, don't worry!)

We are doing this study and are meeting every week for the next 7 weeks! Should be a good time!

And to round out our week, Bennett was super excited to sit at the table at the Y last night!! Pretty soon, he'll be eating food up there too! Crazy!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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