Happy Friday!
1. We made our third trip of the year to the strawberry patch this past week!
We picked another 5.35 pounds of strawberries and got some strawberry slushies...
It was all fun and games until someone decided to climb up this huge ramp to go down the enormous slide that is really meant for school-aged kids.
No. fear. This boy has NO FEAR. Anyway, of course he went down the slide, and wouldn't you know, it shot him out like a cannon at like 40 mph, he flipped onto his belly and totally bit it on the ground when the slide ended. Bless. He was not happy. But don't worry, 3 minutes later, he was trying to walk up that darn ramp to go down the slide again (this time I pulled him off)!
Here's what his face looked like afterwards:
He clearly was not even phased.
2. Lucas continued his week of fun times yesterday but standing up not once, not twice, but oh probably 18 times in the cart at Target. The fact that he was buckled in made absolutely no difference to him.
Anyone have a Mom Hack for getting your kid to stay in the cart?! I pulled the buckle as tight as I could. I'd have him just walk, but he grabs everything off the shelves.
3. We had Bunco again this week! We celebrated Beth and Michelle's May babies! And I won some money, woohoo!
4. I got Ella's spring pictures back and I'm kind of tempted to order some! I usually only order the fall ones, but I just love these!
5. We have SO many things going on this weekend! Birthday party for a friend tomorrow, golf tournament Sunday, plus I have got to finish painting the nursery (still just that lone navy wall is the only thing that's been done!), tutor 10 kids (1 at my house, 9 on the computer!), clean the bathrooms, and start making a few decorations and things for Lucas's birthday party!
Hopefully I can get lots of things done! Have a great weekend!
I shopped with a basket on the handles of my unbrella stroller. I am the mom to 3 boys but our first climbed constantly. Also a booster seat at the table with chair pulled away from table was the only secure place at home. He climbed out of his crib at 13 months.