I love setting goals for myself each year, so today I thought I'd link up with Shay and Erika and share my goals for 2018!
First, a look back at how I did with my goals for 2017:
1. Run 1,000 miles
This one was actually kind of easy since I wasn't pregnant or postpartum at all this past year!
2. Take at least one family vacation, and go somewhere with Trav for our 5 years anniversary
Yep! We went to the mountains last February and the beach last May as a family; Trav and I went to Vegas and then to Curacao for our belated anniversary trip!
3. Go to church every other month
Ehhhh this was not so good. I did go to church more often than I have in past years, but definitely not every other month. I did reach out and offer to help with our church's weekly story time, so I consider that kind of like going to church each week?! Maybe? I also took another Bible study this past fall!
4. Record something about my kids everyday
Yesssssss. You all know this is not hard for me, whatsoever.
5. Re-do the family room, half bathroom, Ella's bathroom and living room
The family room and Ella's bathroom are still gross, but I did makeover our half bath and turned our living room into a play room! We also majorly redid our yard: taking out 2 large trees, and re-doing our landscaping in the front!
And now, for 2018:
1. Run at least 4 times a week
Don't hate me, but running 1,000 miles in a year really isn't all that hard for me. What is hard is putting in the time. I have been really struggling to get up early and run lately, so if I can just get a good run in at least 4 times every week, I will consider that a win.
2. Read at least 2 books a month
{this is my "to read" pile!}
I really want to read more because I find it relaxing and less toxic than watching reality shows and spending time on social media. So, send me all the book suggestions!
3. Continue with Bible studies and daily devotionals

{my kids love going to this Bible study bc it's at Ella's friend's preschool!}
{my kids love going to this Bible study bc it's at Ella's friend's preschool!}
I just signed up for another Bible study starting in February, and I plan to continue reading my daily devotions on my She Reads Truth and First 5 apps (I kinda switch between the 2, depending on what the current study is on).
4. Be present with my kids
I'm not doing the One Second Everyday this year, because as much as I loved it at the end of every month (and the big one at the end of the year!), it was so annoying to do something "video-worthy" every day. Plus, I never recorded just one second each day, and the amount of storage that takes up on my phone is nauseating.
Instead, I want to worry less about taking pictures and videos of my kids, and just focus on being with them. Also, I want to try to get off social media as much as possible around them. I don't want their childhood memories to be of their mom glued to her phone. (Don't worry, I'll still post some Instastories of my kids, because I love looking back on those! I feel like they are the most authentic representation of our lives these days!)
5. Get organized
Now that we've been in our house for over two years, I feel like we've just accumulated SO much stuff. I so badly need to go through drawers and closets and just clean out all. of. the. junk! I want to simplify life as much as possible. Like, do we really need allllll that tupperware?! Or 52 bottles of half-used nail polish?! So yeah...wish me luck on that. Good thing we don't live too far from the Goodwill!
Ok, so those are my goals...here's to hoping I can achieve all 5 of them this year!!!
Ok, so those are my goals...here's to hoping I can achieve all 5 of them this year!!!
Yay books!! Are you on goodreads??