I'm back with more bump pics!! I'm almost all caught up now! :)
{July 26}
{August 2}
The bump is slowly but surely appearing...but is still not super obvious, which makes me feel fat 99% of the time!
And yes, I am trying to wear the same white shirt for all of my pics, so it will be easier to compare the bump size from week to week!
Size of baby: a peach/lemon
gain: At my doctor's appointment, I was up to 122. Since then, I'm pretty sure I've gained at
least 2 more pounds, bringing my total to about 4 pounds so far. My appetite
has been out of control.
clothes: I've started to wear some
tops. No maternity pants yet, but I HAVE to wear my belly band with
everything...no pants button anymore!!
Gender: I still go back and forth....some days I think girl,
some days I think boy
Movement: nope but can't wait!
Cravings: Still tons of pasta and fruit. Pickles and ice cream
(I'm SUCH a cliche!), mac & cheese, cereal, and these Fiber One lemon bars that I discovered
at Costco. OMG they are so good!
Symptoms: STILL having some morning sickness! Why?!? When will
it end?!? Other than that, I'm ok. A little tired this week, and some round
ligament pain, but nothing terrible.
Workouts: 4 miles x 4 days at 10:00 mile pace for each week. I am getting
REAL sick of the treadmill, it's too hot to run outside!
Sleep: As tired as I’ve been, I cannot fall asleep until 12:30-1:00 am! And then I get up at least twice to pee. At least I can sleep in…for now.
What I
miss: I drove by Subway the other day and had the
biggest craving!! I would really enjoy a big ol sub right now.
moment: Definitely my doctor’s appointment, where I got
to see a very active and healthy Baby Ferg! He/she was moving all around in
there, and both the ultrasound tech and my OB
said everything looked great! A close second was (finally) sharing our news in Facebook/Instagram/the blog! It’s so
great not to be keeping a secret anymore!!! My phone was blowing up all
day…everyone is so happy and excited for us! Baby Ferg is so loved already!
forward to: Popping out a little more. I’m in the awkward
stage where I don’t look pregnant, but my stomach’s not flat either. I just
look like I have a big ol’ beer gut. I want a baby bump instead, please!
I'll be back soon once I've taken my 15 week picture...then I'll be totally caught up and can write about something else for a little while! :)
I totally discovered those lemon bars too! I got them at the grocery store, so good to know I can buy them in bulk at Costco since I already had two today... love the chalkboard!
ReplyDeleteYour chalkboards look great!
ReplyDeleteAre you getting morning sickness only in the morning? I really didn't have it bad, but I would eat something (like pound cake) while I was still in bed so that I wouldn't start my day on an empty stomach. I really only felt icky when I was hungry.
Pickles and ice-cream haha :) So much fun!!