Happy Friday friends!!!
Here's what we've been up to!
We met up with Ella's preschool friends at a local gym!
Bennett hung out in the Ergo and drooled just a teense all over it. If this boy doesn't cut a tooth soon....!!
My little diva at Lucas's soccer practice!
She said the sun was "hurting her eyes," so of course I had to give her my sunglasses!
Meanwhile, this boy was just having the time of his life scoring goal after goal! He just loves soccer right now and we are so proud of him!
After soccer, he decided to put Ramses in an ambulance?
And Ella and I made a quick Target run...she asked to try on sunglasses, but I didn't buy her any! Even though she had to use mine earlier, she definitely has about 8 pairs at home!
St. Patrick's Day AND Selection Sunday! Some of us were more excited about basketball than the Irish holiday...
Photo shoots all around!
And then we watched the Selection Show while eating our favorite enchiladas that I make every Selection Sunday (such an authentic Irish recipe, ha!).
The boys and I met up with some friends at the library!
Monday afternoon, we made our brackets!
Ella's was done in no time flat, but Lucas had absolutely NO interest in his and it took FOREVER! For Bennett's I had Ella stand in front of my laptop, and she told me which team B picked based off of which way his eyes looked, ha!
My very last Awaken Bible Study!
I've been going to this Bible Study since Lucas was 4 months old. Now that I've done all 4 classes, I graduated! I will miss it so much; it has truly changed my life! For real, if you are in Charlotte, you need to go! It will start back up in the fall and it's on Tuesday mornings at Carmel Baptist! It is SO good.
After that, we made another quick trip to Target. Because I always need something at Target, right?! Just not this Thomas hat ;)
That evening, I had a wine night with some friends, so I had gone to Target specifically to get a bottle of wine for this thing. Well, wouldn't you know it, they forgot to give me my bag with the wine in it and I didn't realize till much later in the day?! Oh I was SO mad!!!!
I just had to share this pic of the sweetest matching siblings! Ella's dress is 3T and still fits...Bennett's longall used to be Lucas's!
Hop, hop, hop! This little bunny is ready for Easter!
Tell me that's not the cutest bunny you ever saw!
Lucas got a much needed haircut!
And after:
He looks 12 now! Someone hold me.
Lucas and his new haircut decided it was not necessary to eat dinner that night and ran away with the older boy at church who had a bunch of trucks. I found them sitting together playing so nicely. It would have been even nicer if he had eaten his dinner first, but whatevs.
We had a low-key morning at home; first putting away Bennett's laundry and sorting out things that no longer fit.
And then we finally broke out my super cool shop vac I got for Christmas to clean out my car!!! I was way too excited about this; Bennett's just wondering why the thing is so loud!
While I was doing that, Lucas perfected his basketball skills. Let's just say they are better than his bracket making skills at this point. Bless.
And for the record, this guy LOVES Baby Mum Mums, just like his older siblings!!!
Have a great weekend!
Go Tarheels and hopefully everyone's bracket is doing better than all of ours over here!
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