Umm how did I totally not post this on Friday?! Whoops!
I know you've all been waiting with baited breath for this, so here ya go!
We had Bennett's 6 month well visit!
Yes, we had JUST been to the same doctor's office for Ella the day before. Too bad they don't have a punch card or frequent flyer miles, because we would have racked up some benefits!
Anyway, Bennett is perfectly healthy, just a little on the small side! He's in the first percentile for height and weight! Peanut!
He decided to celebrate his good visit (and the shots!) by rolling over back to belly!
And he basically rolls all over the floor now! He started in the bottom left corner of that play mat!
The pediatrician also gave us the green light to give Bennett fruits and vegetables! So Friday night, he had his first food: bananas!
He wasn't sure about it!
He warmed up to it though, and he gets SO excited now when I put him in his high chair to eat! Big sister loves to feed him as well (although, just a bite or two because she has zero patience and also gets grossed out when he spits the food out)!
SOCCAH TEEEEEEM (soccer team, aka Soccer Shots for those of you who don't speak Lucas) started up again! Lucas was PUMPED!
His coach's name is Pat and Lucas calls him "Coach Hat" which I think is the funniest thing ever. And good news, Lucas has improved so much since the fall! He actually kicks the ball now!!!
That afternoon, Ella had a birthday party at Flour Power, where she got to make pizza and cake! It was super cute!
And this boy became a stomach sleeper, just like his big brother (and mama)!
He also furthered his rolling abilities by getting himself under the couch somehow!
Trav's parents were in town, so his mom, Ella and I went over to my Shrimp and Grits Kids lady's house so Ella could try on some clothes!!!
Thanks to my mother-in-law for buying some stuff for my kids to wear this summer!!! It's all SO cute! I need to share soon!
I started getting stuff together for the consignment sale! When all was said and done, I had entered over 250 items!!
Bennett and Lucas helped me continue getting everything sorted and tagged for the consignment sale!
I got a tagging gun to help expedite the process this year! It's super fun. Exciting times over here!
Oh, and Bennett is already feeding himself! Such a 3rd child!
He is NOT a fan of water!
Ella went to the dentist!
Lucas also got a treat baggie, and when asked "Lucas, do you want the dentist to look at your teeth?" he promptly responded "NO!" without missing a beat. Can't wait for his dentist appointment in June, ha!
On the way home from the dentist, we picked up a huge bin of construction birthday party supplies that I found on a local Facebook group! This is for Lucas's birthday May. Never too soon to start planning, right?!
Not pictured is the HUGE wrecking ball that I could not fit in my car. I went back this past weekend to get it, so I'll share a pic of that thing soon. It's massive!
Ash Wednesday = get the Easter decorations out!
Also: Bennett was not a fan of Ash Wednesday at church. They burned palm leave to make the ashes that they put on people's foreheads and he screamed the whole time...maybe he just knows Lent is supposed to be a time of suffering and he wanted everyone at church to suffer with him?!
My kids were big fans of the pancake dinner they got to eat after the palm leaf burning!
Check out all of the butter on Ella's pancakes. Home girl LOVES her some butter.
I know you're not going to believe me, but I promise you, I unintentionally color-coordinated all 3 kids' outfits!!!
We had to take a pic because it was just too funny!!! I promise, I really didn't do this on purpose! My love for matching outfits just invades my conscience!
And if your week doesn't end with a cute baby in a shark towel, can you even call it a good week?!
Oh, and I'm happy to report Ella is back to normal after her strep throat and ear infection last week! 24 hours after she started taking the antibiotics, she was a new person! Thank goodness for that yummy pink medicine!!
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