
Friday, March 9, 2018

Five on Friday!!

Happy Friday!!

Sorry I’ve been so absent from this little space of mine...I wish I had a good excuse but frankly, we just don’t have that much going on this time of year! No birthdays, no fun seasonal things...we’ve just been very low key and blah lately, which is kind of a welcome chance of pace!


1. I feel like I need to give a few thoughts on the Bachelor finale. 
-I love Becca, and can’t wait for her season of the Bachelorette. Yes, after Monday night I swore I’d never watch this crap again, but then ABC went ahead and named Becca bachelorette Tuesday night so...
-speaking of Becca, she reminds me of a strange combination of Jessica Garvin and Kristen from Vanderpump Rules. Anyone else see it?! 
-Arie definitely is my #1 worst bachelor everrrr, surpassing both Nick and Juan Pablo by at least 10 miles.

2. Moving on! I’m selling way too many of my kids clothes at my favorite consignment sale this weekend and if you’re in Charlotte, you should definitely check it out!! Here is what my car looked like yesterday on our way to drop everything off! 

The good news is that I’ve regained a little bit of my guest room closet! (Minus the dress up clothes, a few Well Dressed Wolf outfits, my wedding dress, some formal dresses and a large stash of off-season clothes!) 

3. Pro tip for consignment sale shopping: take a picture of your kids’ drawers/closets so you know what you already have. Ella needs some shorts for this summer pretty badly, so I snapped a quick pic of her shorts/capris drawer so I can make sure I’m not buying a color/style she already has. Much easier than making a list of what you already own (although I do love a good list)! 

4. Dr. Seuss’s birthday was last Friday and we celebrated by making these cute little cat in the hat props! Well, Ella made them...Lucas ripped his as soon as we tried to get him to take a picture with it. March is reading month, so by all means, you can certainly still make your own! Here is the link!! 

5. Sunday is one of my favorite days ever! Selection Sunday!!!! Yay!!! I’ll be making my favorite enchiladas, as our annual tradition!! Hope UNC gets a decent spot! Can’t wait to make my brackets with my kids!!

{Don't forget how last year turned out!!! Probably not happening this year, but hey we can all dream, right?!}

Have a great weekend!!! 

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