Well, we finally made it to the zoo!
The weather was just gorgeous this past weekend and was in the mid 80s! But because it was so nice out, everyone else decided to go to the zoo too, and it was SUPER crowded.
But we all still had fun and didn't get too sweaty, so I'd call it a win!
We went to the North Carolina Zoo, which I'd never been to before. Everything I had heard turned out to be true: it was A LOT of walking, the exhibits were spread out, and it's probably better for slightly older kids. Whatever, it's still the zoo and my kids enjoyed themselves!
We started in the Africa section because I thought Ella would be most excited to see those animals.
Ella's favorite part was climbing on all of the animal statues they had throughout the zoo.
Lucas's favorite part was escaping from the stroller.
Ella said her favorite animals were the flamingos! But then I asked her again and she said the zebras! And another time she said the giraffes! So who knows...she loved them all!
After we walked through Africa (and it felt like we had literally walked through the entire continent), we stopped for lunch in between Africa and North America. We just happened to find a picnic table right in front of the carousel. So, of course we had to sucker Daddy in to a $2 ride on the carousel. Someone picked an inside animal so I couldn't get any good pics!
After lunch, we went to the North America part of the zoo, starting with the desert!
We also got suckered in to getting this little lady some ice cream! Lucas had some too, but he didn't like it (I think it was too cold for him...he kept spitting it out)!
Our last stop of the day was the "rocky coast," with lots of arctic animals.
It was too hot for the polar bears to be out, but we did have so much fun watching the seals and sea lions swim underwater!
These guys were such troopers!
Trav's phone said we walked over 7 miles...and my calves definitely felt it the next day! But I'm so thankfully the weather was fantastic! Another successful zoo day in the books!
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