It has been a sweet forever since I did a Day in the Life post (almost a year ago!), so I thought I'd give you all a peek into our lives now that there are 2 kids in the picture!
Let me just say that no 2 days around here are the same, or even remotely similar. We try to have some sort of routine, but with Lucas's crazy sleep regression, it is really hard!
So here's what last Tuesday looked like for our fam:
1:30 AM:
Yes. I am for real starting at this point. Guess who's awake and wanting to be fed?! So I feed him for a quick 8 minutes.
5:15 AM:
Lucas is up again, crying for food. Did y'all think I was joking/exaggerating about his sleep?! Because I wasn't. This sleep regression is for the birds.
At this point, I just keep him in bed with us, because he won't go back to sleep in his crib (he keeps crying). UGHHH.
7:30 AM:
Ella's clock turns green, and she comes in our room. We all snuggle in our bed for a little bit.
7:45 AM:
Lucas got woken up by Ella, so I feed him. In a perfect world, this should be his first feeding of the day, not his third.
8:05 AM:
Trav gets up for work, Ella brushes her teeth and Lucas gets his diaper changed.
8:15 AM:
Ella eats breakfast, Lucas watches from his sit-me-up seat, and Trav leaves for work.
8:40 AM:
Ella gets dressed. I still lay out her outfit before putting it on her, to make sure everything matches. #OCD
9:00 AM:
Time to run! I have been doing a lot of running on our treadmill and not outside because 1. I don't have a double stroller, and 2. Even on the days when Ella is at preschool, Lucas usually naps right in the middle of my runs and I like for him to be in his crib for that. So treadmill for the win. (And in case you are wondering, even if I'm not training for a race, I always have to follow some sort of training I'm doing this one right now!)
Lucas and Ella play in the bonus room while I run.
9:20 AM:
About halfway through my run, Lucas starts getting fussy, so I put him down for a nap at this point. He usually only sleeps about 30-40 minutes, so I quickly finish my run during this time!
9:45 AM:
Run is done! Time to shower before Lucas wakes up. Ella is easily entertained by her games on the iPad while I shower.
10:00 AM:
Look who's awake!
Time for Lucas to finally get dressed and join us in the bathroom while I finish getting ready!
10:30 AM:
A quick snack for Lucas and then we are off for a play date!
We usually spend this time running errands or playing with our friends. Today we went to ISC to play with Mackenzie!
12:00 PM:
On the way home, I run a few errands. I love errands that don't require me to get out of the car...I honestly drive 15 minutes out of the way just to go to a dry-cleaner that has a drive-thru window! Ha!
Look who fell asleep during errands. See why I don't like to get out of the car?!
Because as soon as I pull his car seat out, he wakes up!
12:45 PM:
Ella eats lunch. Today she is eating what she didn't eat at breakfast because she is the pickiest eater alive and we are trying not to waste tons of food.
And what would lunch time be without a pre-nap meltdown?!
Oh, and yes, Ella still takes off her clothes for meals. Haha...she is just in the habit now, and I like how clean her clothes stay. Obviously, she keeps them on when she eats at preschool or if we are out to eat.
1:15 PM:
Ella goes down for a nap, I feed Lucas, and then he also goes down for a nap.
Then, I eat lunch and catch up on housework. Today is laundry day!
4:05 PM:
I have to wake both kids up (don't hate me, but this happens often...I love these children for taking nice, long naps daily!) because Ella has ballet today at 4:30.
4:30 PM:
Ella has ballet. Lucas and I watch her class from a TV monitor, and then she shows us her skills afterwards. Here she is showing us a plie and this picture cracks. me. up!!
The squatting. That tongue. I just can't.
Also, the tucked in skirt. This girl :)
5:15 PM
Feeding time for Lucas again, and then he is kind enough to help me fold some of the never ending laundry! Ella plays in the bonus room or sometimes, if she's been really good, I let her watch a show.
6:30 PM
Dinner time for Ella and Lucas!
7:05 PM
Bathtime! Trav is working late tonight, so I give both kids a bath together. If he is home, we usually divide and conquer: he gives Ella a bath in her bathroom and I bathe Lucas in ours.
7:30 PM
Daddy's home!!! YAY!
7:45 PM
After playing with Daddy for a little bit and reading a few books, it's bedtime for Ella.
8:00 PM
Lucas eats what should be his final meal of the night (oh don't worry, he'll be up later...) and then he goes to bed.
After this, I usually cook dinner, eat with Trav, watch tv, fold more laundry, and sometimes even lift weights or do abs...but tonight is BUNCO NIGHT! And I totally failed at taking a picture there...but just trust me.
Trav was texting me the whole time (ok, so really just the last hour) saying Lucas was screaming his head he gave him another bottle. And then he put Lucas in our bed, because he didn't want to sleep in his crib apparently. I came home at 11:25 to this:
11:45 PM:
I take my night shower (I literally cannot go to bed unless I take a shower first! I love getting in bed all nice and clean!), pump real quick and then it's lights out for me!
Don't worry...Lucas will be up in another 2.5 hours!
And there you have it...another gripping edition of what we do all day!
Lucas is starting to look so grown up in some of these pictures!