
Friday, November 20, 2015

Another Five on Friday!

1. First of all, I'd like to apologize for being the most boring person ever on this blog!! I just feel like we haven't been up to too much exciting because...we are moving in 10 days!!! Yes, moving! Ok, we are seriously moving like 3 miles away, but it's still moving and occupying a lot of my energy right now. 

So that is why I have been super boring lately. I promise I will blog more regularly (and about some fun stuff!) in the very near future, and I will also be sure to share pictures of the inside of the house soon!

2. I have to brag on my sweet girl a little bit! 

Wednesday, we were at the library for story time. The librarian passed out egg shakers, and Ella witnessed one girl steal another girl's egg shaker (such scandal at the library!). The little girl started to cry because her egg shaker was gone, so Ella gave hers to the girl. How sweet! Of course, Ella decided she wanted her egg shaker back about 10 seconds later, but by that point, the girl had gotten another egg shaker anyway. And that is besides the point ;)

3. I finally figured out the Harris Teeter express lane situation!!!! And I tried it for the first time on Tuesday! 

It was amaaaaazing!! Plus since it was my first order, they waived the $4.99 fee! Woohoo!!

4. My Christmas cards arrived this week!!!! Now it's time to start addressing them!! I shared how I addressed them last year {here} but I'm looking for a new, relatively easy style for this year! Here are some that I would love to attempt...

We'll see what I can come up with!

5. Due to moving, we are spending a restaurant. #dontjudgeus I'm actually excited to not worry about all of the cooking and cleaning up!!! 

Amen to that!

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Congratulations on a new home! It looks gorgeous from the outside!

  2. Congrats!
    God Bless!

  3. Congrats! It is gorgeous! Can't wait to see pictures of the inside. What part of town are you in? Sweet story about Ella and the shaker. What a thoughtful little lady.
