It's officially Lucas's birthday week, so I wanted to share some of his cake smash pictures that we took a few weeks ago! Since Lucas's party is a golf theme, we took the pictures at Skybrook Golf Club in Huntersville, with our trusty photographer, Leslie. I love how they turned out!
Wouldn't you know that Ella's outfit is the only new one out of our whole family's attire?! Everyone else just shopped their own closet (my shirt was bought 10+ years ago while I was studying abroad in Spain!), but Ella got a new dress. Par for the course. 😉
It was SO hot out, so I was glad we got the family pictures out of the way first! The rest of the time, we were sweaty messes, walking all over the course (which, by the way, is the hilliest golf course I have ever seen)!
Lucas did not want to keep that golf cap on!
And then it was time for cake!
I ended up just making his cake myself and it was really easy! I used this sports ball pan, frosted it white and then used the end of a chopstick to make the little dots all over it. Then, I dyed the frosting green and used this tip on the end of a baggie for the grass.
He wasn't really sure about eating it, and there was a lot of him trying to dump it on the ground.
We also had to move off the teeing area (no idea what you call that, but where the golfers start at each hole and hit the ball?!) because some golfers came. So the rest of these look like Lucas is in a wild field, but I promise we are still at the golf course!
{diaper cover from here}
Of course, I realized I only had 3 baby wipes left in my purse after he had eaten the that was a fun car ride home!
Hope my sweet boy wants to eat more cake this weekend!! :)
These pictures turned out so well! I can't believe that he is almost ONE!