Last week of single digits!!! TEAR!
Anyways, where we last left off, we were in Virginia at my parents' house. My grandparents were also in town!
On Friday, we walked around their downtown area.
We also went to Green Front to see the Christmas decorations!
Let's talk about taking Lucas into a furniture store. It was like a bull in a china shop, haha!
Back at home, Ella continued to educate my grandparents on the world of Peppa Pig!
We headed back to Charlotte, but not before taking 800 pictures on my parents' front steps!
My kids finally got to debut their Panthers gear!
We went to the library. This was a much bigger effort than it sounds, thanks to early voting. Holy moly, the parking lot was INSANE. Not to mention all of the annoying campaigners standing out front....sorry y'all, but hounding me about your candidate while I'm with my crazy toddler and newborn probably isn't going to get him/her any extra votes! Just saying! I'm glad everyone is doing their civic duty, but my goodness I don't think we will be going to the library till after Election Day!
Also. There's this.
These are my monkeys and this is my circus.
Bennett still isn't sure what to make of this craziness.
Monday night, Bennett slept in his crib for a few hours! I stared at the monitor the entire time.
Time for another trip to the doctor! Lucas's favorite game is to play I Spy with the animals on the mural in the waiting room!
Good news: Bennett's hemoglobin is up to 11.2!
Hopefully he is almost over his anemia!
Check out my kids playing together! It lasted all of 3 minutes, but still!
Picture Day for Ella, so we practiced smiling in car line!
I took the boys to our church music and story time!
Bennett slept through the whole thing!
While the big kids were napping, Bennett had his 2 month photo shoot!
At Ella's dance that night, there was a new toy! A Chase ride on toy, and as you can imagine, it was fought over by several kids!
During Ella's church class, I got to spend more time with my middle child!
He also crashed the older kids' class. Look at him thinking he's a 10 year old.
Bennett helped me tutor in the morning. As soon as I got him up from this, I realized he had pooped EVERYWHERE. What a mess.
Then, I walked into Lucas's room to realize he had thrown up everywhere. So that was a fun morning of laundry, baths, and more laundry.
Ella made the boys a "card" at preschool to help them feel better.
Everyone was feeling much better after naps, so we went to Trunk or Treat at our church!
Bennett is the Tin Man, you just can't see his costume!
Lucas still hates his lion costume, but I told him he had to wear it if he wanted candy!
Some of our friends! It is basically impossible to get this many kids to take a picture together! Ha!
We have lots of fun Halloween activities planned for this weekend and next week!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
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