Happy Friday from Hurricane Florence's path!
I'm trying to get this posted as quick as possible, before we lose power! So far, it's just super windy but its definitely supposed to get worse tomorrow and Sunday!
Anyway, here's what our past week looked like!
Friday: We got our #cltforCharlotte shirts in the mail!
We decided to head up to a local sunflower field to take some pictures. This was not my best idea. It was so hot, and Lucas wouldn't cooperate to save his life.
I finally got him to look at the camera when I started singing "Happy Birthday," of all things!
Friday night, Bennett got to come with me to one of my favorite consignment sales! I scored all of this, including an Eleanor Rose dress!
And yes, Lucas got the most clothes, because his stuff will now be worn by two boys (him and Bennett)!
We had Lucas's first soccer practice!
Lucas was SO excited to "play soccer team!"
I'm pretty sure I took the above picture the one and only time he actually kicked the ball. The rest of the time, he picked the ball up and threw it.
He also LOVED helping put the balls back in the bag!
He was very proud of himself, and I'm kind of glad we signed him up for soccer! It is so cute so far!
Ella enjoyed the donuts they had there!
After soccer practice, we went to the library to get some books (and DVDs to watch in the car)!
Bennett also got to watch lots of college football!
I went up to the Lilly Pulitzer store to check out the After Party Sale! Unfortunately, they didn't have a lot in the sizes I needed, so this was all I got:
Um, but those matching shorts for the boys in two years...?!?! 😍
I also went to Target to get a soccer ball for Lucas, so he can practice his skills!
He keeps saying "No hands! I kick it!" So hopefully he is getting it, and will stop throwing the ball all of the time!
Here is Ella modeling the "airplane arms"...and no, she's never played soccer (and doesn't want to! ha!).
We were up bright and early to shop the Lilly Pulitzer sale! I got so many good things; lots of matches for Ella and me!
While Ella was at preschool, the boys "helped" me put out some fall decorations! And by helped, I mean Lucas dumped everything out of the tub, turned it over and used it as a ramp for his cars. #boys
Look at my little pumpkin!
We had a doctor appointment to check Bennett's hemoglobin!
He managed to poop all over the scale. Yes, I actually have a picture of it, but no I am not going to put it on here! I can email it to you if you really want to see that poop explosion!
Even though he looks unhappy (he was cold), his hemoglobin is still at 12.7! Which is a really good number! His pediatrician won't check it again until his one month appointment. He also weighs 6 pounds, 4 ounces, so he is past his birth weight now!
We got dressed and ready super early to have newborn pictures before Travis went in to work...but, our photographer's kid got sick and Trav had to get to work. So, we rescheduled for...Saturday. Yes, tomorrow. In the middle of a hurricane. Should be interesting!!
We went to Trader Joe's to stock up on important things in case we lose power, like wine and animal crackers.
Wednesday was also Ella's first day of dance class!
She is very excited to be in the blue class this year!
Lucas actually stayed occupied with all of the toys they have there!
We came home to my Lilly order on our doorstep!! Yay!
And Wednesday night, I had Bunco where we didn't play Bunco! Haha, I like the months we do that and just talk though!
We went to the bank to open a savings account for Bennett!
We also saw a police officer there, and he gave Lucas a cool sticker!
We took advantage of the nice weather (since we will most likely be stuck inside for the next few days) and played on Ella's preschool playground after we picked her up!
And we made one final trip to Target to get a few last minute things. We stumbled upon the Halloween section and my kids were obsessed with these humongous (slightly frightening) animal heads.
If you are in the Carolinas, I hope you stay safe this weekend!! This is my first hurricane ever in my 33 years (we don't have hurricanes in the midwest!) but my husband has done a great job freaking me out! Hopefully it won't be as bad as he thinks it will! Stay safe everyone!
You are making life with 3 look like a breeze my friend!