Well, hello and Happy Easter weekend, friends!
We are still a germy little house over here. Will the sickness ever end?!?!
Backing up to last Friday though...Bennett was finally starting to feel better after having a fever all week and my parents were in town! So we hung out with them at the mall!
Everyone had on their Masters attire in honor of the golf tournament last weekend!
Lucas is obsessed with my dad. OB.SESSED.
The weather Saturday morning was awful, so much so that they cancelled soccer for Lucas! Luckily, I knew about an indoor egg hunt (well, it was supposed to be outside, but they moved it inside due to weather) at Queens! So we hit that up and had a great time!
It was definitely the most inconspicuous egg hunt, but my kids loved it and I'm just glad we had something to do while the weather was terrible.
When my parents were here, they brought with them my old American Girl doll, Samantha, for Ella! She was SO excited to get it and has been playing with Samantha constantly since they gave it to her last Saturday!
After the Palm Sunday service (Ella sang the opening song with other kids!), we had an egg hunt at church! Thankfully the bad weather held off so the kids were able to hunt outside!
My kids are basically professional egg hunters at this point!
We spent the rest of the weekend watching the Masters and eating lots of pimento cheese!
First official day of Ella's spring break! Woohoo!
It was super cold out, so we met up with our friends at Barnes and Noble!
I couldn't believe Bennett was standing up at that train table!
We also went to the newest Chick Fil A (that Lucas has been asking to go to since it opened at the beginning of March!) for lunch! Thank you Grandma and Papa for the gift cards!!!
We met up with our friends again, but this time at a local park because it was gorgeous out!
Bennett and Benjamin shared a swing :)
And our favorite 2 year olds found their favorite kind of swings!
Lucas climbed up this huge rock wall! I couldn't believe it! He truly has NO fear!
And we ended our time with a picnic lunch!
Tuesday night, we went to the UNC baseball game! It was right here in Charlotte!
Can y'all believe this was actually Bennett's first sporting event?!?! I couldn't believe it either!!! But Trav and I were thinking about it, and he definitely hadn't gone to a football or basketball game since he was born! What?! How?!?!
We tried to take a family picture, but all the kids were mesmerized by Ramses on the jumbotron....
...and then they got to meet him in real life!!!
Bennett was not a fan.
We ended our night with some ice cream!!! Ella and Lucas were living their best lives (even though poor Bennett was over it and screaming by this point)!
Another beautiful day, so we went to the strawberry patch!!
Ella's dress is from Eleanor Rose because everyone has already been asking about it ;)
Bennett started out being really excited about picking strawberries!
You know we were there with Cooper and Mackenzie again! Three days in a row!
During our visit, Bennett got fussier and fussier.
He even fell asleep, which was odd because he had just taken a nap prior to going to the strawberry patch.
We had another picnic lunch before heading home!
When we got home, I took Bennett's temperature, and sure enough...it was 102 :(
I called the nurse line at our pediatrician's office ASAP and they had me bring him in that afternoon.
Poor buddy has a double ear infection. I guess that all the crap he had last week ended up draining into both of his ears. Bless.
Since Bennett was sick, we spent the day at home, finally! Ha! We made Bunny Bait!
And we caught a cute bunny ;)
Fingers crossed Bennett can get his act together and start feeling better ASAP! He's been fever free for almost 24 hours now, but he's still super congested and clearly in pain. Poor guy. Sick babies are the worst!
Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!!
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