I find it absolutely hilarious that one of my most popular posts is about
girls clothes sizing. People have been emailing me, basically since Lucas was born, asking if I would do one for boys' clothes. I held off because boys' sizing is SOOOO awful. Like, way worse than girls. Boys obviously don't wear the oh-so-versatile dresses (which we have turned into shirts as Ella gets taller!) and their legs are all different lengths. It is so freaking hard to figure out what size Lucas should wear right now, let alone try to plan ahead for the next season.
So here is my best attempt at the crazy world that is boys' clothes. A few disclaimers:
-At his 18 month check up, Lucas was 32" (35 %) and 26 lbs. 14 oz (83%). So he's kinda short and stocky.
-Some of these brands are things I have already bought Lucas for this summer, so I did my best to guess what size he would wear now. (I put what size fits him most comfortably in parentheses.)
-The BEST measure of clothing for me is measuring shoulder to stride (STS).
This obviously only works on jon jons and longalls, but I did my best to include it for whatever we had that I could measure.
-NONE of this applies to pants! Pants and shorts, I have found, run crazy big. Lucas wears 12 month and 18 month pants right now. 24 month pants are HUGE on him. And from what I remember from last summer, boys' shorts run really big too.
Ok! So here we go...
ARB Blanks: runs slightly small (2T)
(This is the brand of blanks that my monogram girl uses...another popular one is Blanks Boutique and I feel like they run somewhat smaller as well.)
{this is a 2T}
Baby Boden: runs slightly small (18-24m)
{this is 18-24 months}
The Beaufort Bonnet Company: true to size to slightly small (18-24m) sts 16.5”
{this is 18-24 months}
Bella Bliss: runs small (2) sts 17”
Carter’s: VERY true to size (24m) sts 16”
Children’s Place: true to size (18-24m)
For Children's Place and Carter's, Lucas can still squeeze into their 18m pajamas...but for everything else (shirts, rompers, etc.) he needs 24 months.
Cherokee: runs really small (2T)
Classic Whimsy: runs big (24m) sts 18”
Eleanor Rose: runs big (2) sts 18”
{this is a 2 and you can see it might even fit him next year!}
Gap: true to size (18-24m)
Hanna Andersson: true to size (80=18-24m)
Lil Cactus: slightly small (2T) sts 17.5”
Little English: true to size (24m) sts 18”
Kelly’s Kids: runs big (18m) sts 17”
Masters Collection: (like, from the golf tournament!) runs pretty big (24m) sts 18”
Mom & Me: slightly small (2T) sts 18”
Old Navy: very true to size (18-24m)
Petit Ami: true to size (24m) sts 18”
{this is 18 months, and you can see it's getting a little short!}
Polo Ralph Lauren: runs
really small

{this is 2T}
Posh Pickle: true to size (24m) sts 17”
Remember Nguyen: runs big (18m) sts
Sassy Lil Sprout: slightly small (24m) sts 17.5”
{this is 24 months}
Shrimp and Grits Kids: runs big (18m) sts 17.5”
I actually debated getting Lucas 18m stuff in this brand for this summer, because some of their 2T stuff was THAT big on him.
{this is 18 months}
Smocked Auctions/Southern Sunshine Kids: true to size (24m) sts 18”
Southern Tots: runs big (18m) We don't have this brand in anything in Lucas's current size, so I measured the sts on 12m, which was 17” (so it could basically fit him now, haha)
Stellybelly: true to size to slightly big (18m) sts 18”
{this is a 2T and it was huge!}
Tea Collection: true to size but slightly short (2T) sts 16”
Three Sisters: runs big (18m) sts 17.25”
{this is 18 months}
Vive La Fete: true to size (24m)
Well Dressed Wolf: true to size to slightly big (24m)
Zucchini: runs really, REALLY big (24m) sts 19”
Hope that was somewhat helpful for you boy moms! And if there's a brand I didn't list, ask me anyway and I can check my bins of outgrown sizes to see if I can figure out how it runs!
Also sorry this was another boring post for most of you!! ;)