Last weekly update of Lucas's first year!!! Can't believe I will have a ONE YEAR OLD tomorrow!!! ðŸ˜
We have had a busy week getting ready for Lulu's birthday!
We did some grocery shopping...
...and also made a big trip up to Ikea. Why is a visit to Ikea always such a production?!
Ella is crying in the background because she wasn't feeling well (again!). She had a weird off and on fever the whole morning...but then was fine that evening, and has been fine ever since! So strange!
Anyway, she was not feeling like herself, but Lucas had a blast and half at Ikea, playing with all of the toys there!
I have to share this latest mom hack: putting your kid in the bathtub so you can take a shower! Someone posted this idea on a Facebook group, and I am wondering why I didn't think of this sooner!
Saturday, Ella had two birthday parties to attend! First up was Jack's fire truck party. There was a real fire truck that the kids got to sit in, which Ella LOVED.
The kids also got to take turns spraying water with the hose!
Most of the kids also got to run through the water, but poor Ella wasn't allowed (I'm so mean). We had to get to another party, and I didn't want to stop at home to change her clothes!
Next up was Camille's party at Michael's (yes, the craft store)! We were super late, so we missed all of the fun mermaid crafts. Fortunately though, we made it just in time for some very green (but delicious) cupcakes!
The next day was Mother's Day. Ella came into our room that morning with a card that she and Lucas had stamped their fingerprints on (I was thoroughly impressed with my husband, as he is not crafty at the fact that he even attempted this was amazing)! The card also said I could get a cleaning lady or a massage...I picked the cleaning lady, and I am excited to have her come next week after Lucas's birthday party! Woo hoo!!
We had a pretty chill day; we just played at the park a little bit... our matching outfits!!! All I wanted for Mother's Day was to match my 2 kids! Ella is easy to match (thank, Lilly Pulitzer) but Lucas was a bit more challenging. I've mentioned this girl on here before, but his romper is from Little Lilly Lovers. She used the same Lilly "Southern Charm" fabric to create his golf cart...I'm obsessed.
The kids also "helped" Travis make dinner...and by helped, I mean they watched him grill the chicken.
Ella also surprised me by actually eating what he made (she usually only wants Cheddar Bunnies or an applesauce pouch for dinner)! So all in all, Mother's Day was a big win this year.
We are done with our Monday gymnastics classes, so we went to ISC this past Monday for open gym.
Lucas got some birthday stickers at story time Tuesday!
We also picked up a bunch of books while we were at the library for story time. Both kids couldn't wait to start reading they are reading in our mudroom entryway! Couldn't even make it in to the rest of the house!
Yesterday was story time at our church...Ms. Jessica was reading "Giraffes Can't Dance" and both of my kids went nuts. Apparently they love that book. Lucas can't seem to get close enough!
We also stopped at the store to find me something to wear to Lucas's birthday party on Saturday. Ella insisted on carrying the bag!
And then, the big event of our week....Lucas got his very first haircut yesterday afternoon!
I felt a little silly getting it cut, but he was reaching mullet status in the back, and I didn't want to look back at his birthday pictures wishing I had gotten his hair cut.
So the nice lady at Doolittle's trimmed up the back super quick (it took her literally less than 4 minutes), and only charged us for a bang trim. Very painless for everyone.
They also saved some of Lucas's hair for his baby book in a little baggie!
I think it looks so much better now, yes?!
And that's a wrap on Life with Lucas!!!
Just in case you wanted to see all 52 weeks of our little guy...
Whew! Maybe I should get a life sometime soon?!
I am sad that my baby is so old...but not going to lie, I am going to enjoy not having to corral him that chair trying to take a picture every week!
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