
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bumpdate {22 weeks}

How the heck am I already at 22 weeks?! This is flying by!

{Ugh. The pictures keep getting worse and worse.}

Size of baby: a papaya. How tropical!
Weight gain: I think I’m up another pound…bringing my total to about 15 pounds so far. My scale at home is so sketchy though.   
Maternity clothes: I feel like the bump popped this week! So many people at school were telling me how I finally look pregnant (and I even heard a 3rd grader in the hallway ask their teacher “Is she pregnant?!”). I am definitely rocking any and all maternity clothes I currently own. Definitely need to go get more maternity work pants! Some regular shirts still fit; but most regular dresses make me look like a hoochie.
Gender: A GIRL! So happy to finally know! 
Movement: Yes! The kicks are starting to get stronger and I can’t wait till Travis can feel them. Little girl is especially active in the mornings when I am drinking my (*decaf) coffee and checking my kids’ homework!  
Cravings: This is getting boring…I’d like to crave something else besides pasta, mac & cheese, pickles and ice cream!  
Symptoms: The heartburn has definitely amped up this week…my new favorite dessert is Tums. This child will probably come out with a huge fro. 
Workouts: 16 miles at my super slow 10:00 min/mile pace. I think I may be coming up on the last of my running days….my heartrate is getting verrrry close to 160 and at times I feel a little winded and even slightly dizzy. I may have to switch to walking soon!
Sleep: I CANNOT go to bed before 11 pm! Luckily, I've been doing ok living on 6-7 hours a sleep per night. Still getting up to pee once or twice.
What I miss: My regular clothes. Not feeling fat. A big glass of wine. 
Best moment this week: Shopping for this little lady and planning her nursery! The nursery will get its own post at some point, but I’m so excited about this duvet cover (the one with big pink flowers and navy leaves, not the white one on the very top) that Angela found at the Pottery Barn Kids outlet! Even though it’s a duvet, I’m going to use it as a blanket to drape over the rocker and then use it on her big girl bed in a few years! Now I just need to figure out everything else to match it!
Looking forward to: I can’t wait to continue planning her nursery (sorry Pinterest friends, I've been pinning nothing but!)!! I’m also looking forward to Babies R Us getting their sh*t together and getting the crib we want back in stock so we can order it! Feel free to stalk the website like I have been! 

I'm hoping to be back soon to share with you our fall decorations, baby clothes I've bought and some nursery ideas! Have a great week! :)

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