
Monday, September 2, 2013

Bumpdate {18 weeks}

Happy Labor Day!! 

I wish I could say I had a nice, relaxing weekend, but I actually ended up spending about 947284 hours of it working on stuff for school. Ah, the beginning of the school year. Switching grade levels is so much fun

Along with that, sorry that these baby bump posts are the only things I have time to write these days....hopefully in a few weeks, my life will slow down/I will get caught up with work and I can write about some other stuff!

But for now, here ya go...

{August 30}

Size of baby: a sweet potato
Weight gain: Thanks to the first week of school and being too busy to eat, my weight has pretty much stayed where it was last week. Thank GOD. If anything, I've gained less than a pound more. 
Maternity clothes: Since my kids don’t know about Baby Ferg yet, I’m trying to wear my baggier clothes to school. Some of my shirts are already getting a little short and tight and I don’t feel comfortable wearing them to work. My wardrobe is getting smaller and more limited by the day.  
Gender: I’m definitely leaning toward boy now and here’s why: the ring test. You hold your engagement ring over your belly on a string and if it swings back and forth it’s a boy; if it goes around in circles, it’s a girl. My friend swears by this method and it’s been accurate for 4 of her close friends. She tried it on me at a party last weekend and it went back and forth. We also tried it on a girl who already knew she was having a girl and it went around in circles! I made Dana try it too; hers went back and forth and she is about to have a boy any second now. Who knows how accurate this really is, but so far, I’m sold. 
Movement: Yes!! Starting to feel more of these little flutters/gas bubbles…and more frequently too!
Cravings: I feel so silly buying pickles and ice cream every week at the grocery store…but they are so good! Still can’t get enough of pasta, raspberries, strawberries and granny smith apples.
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, fatigue (although that may just be from going back to school!), cellulite…the acne is also trying to make a comeback. Yay. Also trying to make a comeback? That darn morning sickness! But as soon as I eat something, I'm ok.   
Workouts: I did 16 miles somehow this week, and I have no idea how I even did that much! I've been so tired, and when I get home from school, my feet hurt SOOOO bad! I wish I could somehow run sitting down. Ha! 
Sleep: Pretty much amazing. I've been so exhausted, I've been falling asleep in .2 seconds and only waking up once or twice for the bano.  
What I miss: I really needed some maj caffeine this week…wayyyy more than my daily 200 mg allowance! Also with football starting this week, I would really like a cold beverage….other than water. 
Best moment this week: Last weekend, I was buying some chapter books at a used book store. I got out my teacher ID to get a discount, and the lady behind me in line said, “Let me get those for you.” I tried to refuse, but she insisted and bought me all of these books for my classroom! I started crying in the store because I was so touched by her generosity (and also I am slightly hormonal)!  
Looking forward to: I know I say this pretty much every week but finding out the gender…only 3 more weeks!!! I can’t wait to buy clothes for this little peanut!!


  1. So glad you are starting to feel movement! It will only get better, especially when Travis can feel it!

  2. I really thought I was having a boy too! NOT! You look great!

  3. You look AMAZING! And I don't know how you do it all. Exercising, working etc... you're amazing!
    That's so exciting you're feeling movement! I felt movement around 18 weeks :) SO exciting!
