
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Bumpdate {weeks 36-38}

Size of baby: A ripe papaya to a spaghetti squash...estimated to weigh around 8 pounds with his stomach in the 99th percentile! 
Weight gain: 40 pounds, according to my scale at home. Woof. +43 pounds according to that dreaded scale at my doctor's office. 
Maternity clothes: UGH.
Gender: It’s a BOY!!!

Movement: Yep, he’s still moving around in there, although I have no clue how he has any room! 
Cravings: Same….Greek stuff, buffalo chicken, pasta and strawberries. And lots of gelato. And SODA. Diet Dr. Pepper = everything.
Symptoms: So. much. peeing. All the time. It’s getting so old. Also having lightening crotch (TMI? Sorry!) pretty much any time I bend over. It is painful and I feel like he’s just going to fall out! I am also drooling a lot in my sleep, super random. Having some contractions but they never amount to anything. And I am just plain uncomfortable 99.9% of the time!
Workouts: Ha.

Sleep: Can’t fall asleep. Ready to go at 6 AM. And the peeing every hour on the hour….blahhhh.
What I miss: Everything…but am trying to soak up these last few moments of being pregnant!
Best moment this week: Seeing baby boy on the ultrasound monitor at the specialist last week. Spending lots of one-on-one time with Ella before she becomes a big sister! Also, all of the baby prep I’ve done over the past week…nursery is done, bags are packed….we are ready!!!

Looking forward to: Meeting this baby hopefully soon!


  1. You're getting so close to meeting baby #2! Hope he comes sooner rather than later :)

  2. You look great in your pics! How fun that he decided to come early :)
